Architectural Design ~ New Homes
Renovations ~ Additions ~ Restorations
As a full service General Contractor we have the experience, the knowledge, and the team of craftsmen to see your project through to a successful completion. We offer complete Design-Build solutions for our customers. From choosing a home site, designing your new home, and through the entire building process, I work directly with you to create the home of your dreams. For now over 35 years, we value our reputation of constructing top quality, environmentally friendly, and finely crafted custom homes.
Trusted and Experienced
We have designed and completed well over 150 fine custom homes, additions, and major restorations projects since 1981. We are well known for our high quality, value, craftsmanship, and personal service.
Team Players
Some of our customers, for various reasons, decide to use the traditional Owner-Architect-Builder relationship. Often, they have worked with a particular architect on a previous project, or they like the design style that architect creates. We are happy to use this relationship, and provide construction and management services for these projects. In addition, we are always available to provide technical direction on our local construction techniques and practices.
“The construction is of the highest quality, timely, with minimal changes, and a very cooperative effort by Fenton’s team and sub-contractors.”